the table
Showing up for others is one of the most powerful things you can do.
–Naomi Evans, Being An Ally
for $50/month you can provide a companion on the journey through spiritual direction or discernment.
Take a seat at the table.
We believe that when women flourish, we all flourish.
The Table is a community of monthly partners whose sustainable support enables pathways for creation, connection, and commissioning for women.
Come have a seat.

Read Rachelle's Story

Read Krystin's Story

Read Liz's Story

Read Milly's Story
I did the soul care cohort when I was unemployed… It was amazing I could have a free resource when I didn’t have the means. WOW! subsidized the silent retreat cost too. They knew I was just starting off with my business; I had just figured out how to launch an LLC. Once I had the means to give, I thought, Why would I not give to the organization that gave so much to me? I just knew I wanted to invest in WOW! because of how WOW! invested in me when I really needed it.
I understand “giving where you’re fed.” I felt WOW! was worth it, I was getting enough meat from this. I wanted to put money behind it because I wanted to see more. I want to experience more. I give because I’m fed.
What keeps me coming back to WOW! is that I learned that God really speaks. Not just through the Bible, not just through [other] people, but he speaks to us directly. It made God more personal to me.
What I love about WOW! is that it loves people, it serves people, and it brings people closer to Jesus. And it does all of that in a very graceful way, full of grace.
This organization has been an integral part of my faith journey. WOW! was initially introduced to me through my sister in Christ and coworker, Belly Hom. She is a childhood friend of the founder, Rev. Grace May. After observing Grace’s zest for teaching women in ministry, my curiosity was piqued.
WOW! has been a good fit since I consider myself as a lifetime student of the Bible. They encourage and motivate women (and men) to mature in Christ through Bible study. Participation in the Women of the Bible classes has been especially useful in gaining knowledge of our biblical sheroes. These lively discourses are usually followed by a Q&A and break out groups to further engage in lively discussions. This has awakened a desire in me to do personal research and learn more. I have learned historic information, which only enhances previous knowledge of Bible passages.
Lastly, WOW! is a multicultural organization that offers people an environment to invest in godly friendships. I view myself as a supporter and cheerleader for WOW! and the work they continue to do.
WOW! helps people connect with God and with one another. We want to build something that really has that community feel, where God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are central to the community as a whole.
There are a lot of things to consider along the way. And it takes a collective group, a collective community, not just one person or thing. It’s every person here and beyond. We all play a part. And that’s what I get excited about.
Stay In Touch
48 Henry Street
New York, NY 10002
[email protected]
Get to Know Us
WOW! is a 501c3 Nonprofit organization, Tax ID 45-3705920